How to NOT Appropriate This Festival Season

Festival season is here!! #blessings
But fighting for your life in that ticket waiting room was half the battle, now its time to figure out what to wear.
That bindi would look really good with my—

I wanna try that new hair trend, I think it's called Bantu Kn–

I KNOW! What about a Native headdre--

We get it. You’re under the stars. You’re free. You’re one with nature.
But don’t be THAT person. We all know who I’m talking about..
You can still be Insta-worthy without being culturally insensitive.
So here are the Do’s s & Don’ts to think about this Festival season:

Paint your face in any “tribal,” “wild” or “war” pattern. It’s offensive. Is there really no other “accessory” that will go with your makeup look other than a Bindi? Bindi’s are not decoration pieces, but actually hold religious, cultural and color-specific significance. Here, educate yoself.

Bantu knots – this is a maaaaaybe. HEAR ME OUT. While Bantu knots are culturally-specific to African culture, I’m not gonna act like I wake up with straight hair. It’s hot out. You want to keep your hair out of your face. I mean, hair is hair. So why not?
If you want to wear Bantu Knots, you rock THE HELL OUT OF AFRICAN CULTURE bb!!! Just please, do your homework. Know it’s NOT a TREND. It’s NOT a FAD. It is a CULTURE. Learn its history so when someone asks you how you style your hair, you can respond intelligently other than "Khloe Kardashian did it".

First Nation headdresses are not hats. They are not headbands. They are Native American CULTURE. Canada’s Osheaga Music and Art Festival gets it. In 2015, they officially banned any type of indigenous headdress at their music festival. Other Canadian festivals followed suit.
Are you listening Coachella??
1. Shop authentically. Don’t buy from fast fashion brands and become part of the problem. This way you’ll avoid the awkward “Who Wore it Better” situation, and you’ll be supporting up and coming cultural designers!
2. Do take pictures. But don’t do offensive hand gestures, facial expressions or ignorant captioning.
3. You sold your liver for your ticket, have fun!
(images via festival sharpa, giphy,, mtv, vocativ, naturally curly, cosmopolitan)