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Workout While You Werk it Out with Glamourina

Athleisure is the fashion trend that just keeps on giving. A socially acceptable ensemble that literally lets you rock the comfort of sweats and workout clothes outside without side-eye, Glamourina is adding another element.

A hybrid between the Ghanaian kente cloth and laidback sportswear, Glamourina is helping you look more stylish while you’re on the run. Based out of Washington D.C., co-founders Kia Renee and Nekol Choo want to bring their cultural roots into their clothing and share it with others. Both working mothers on the go, these outfits are the definition of #girlboss

Rock some leggings, sports bras, tanks and dresses to your yoga class, boxing match or tennis game! Not even released yet, preorder your items now!

Which look is your favorite?

(image via Glamourina)

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